Nina Cavalcanti is a Brazilian video artist who has been living in Berlin since 2014. In 2017, in her first film, a dance-film, “You are no Stranger to my Heart” (8″), she explores a choreographic look at everyday movements and questions the possible interactions between an immigrant body and other bodies and space. More effectively, from 2020 onwards, the performative aspects of life became part of his artistic research, with the film-poem “O Pé no céu, a mão no mar” (The foot in the sky, the hand in the sea). In 2022, her experimental short film “She’s Ready” was shown at Verbo – Festival de Performances, a partnership between Galeria Vermelho (São Paulo) and ChãoSNZ (MA), and at the LUFF programme (in Lausanne, Switzerland). In more recent works such as “Movements of a Stone” and “Wollen funktioniert da nicht mehr” she explores the possibilities of the exhibition space in video installations.
Her research into body language, exploring the boundaries between performance and reality, now adds to other questions raised about the condition of the female and immigrant body, and possible interactions, taking into account space and its power dynamics.
Currently MA Student at Weißensee Kunsthochschule – Program Raumstrategien
BA Montage Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF ( March 2021)
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